Friday, June 29, 2012

Dear Lunch Pale and Twoderful (well...and everyone else too. I just think Lunch Pale and Twoderful will remember this more than anyone else)

Think back to a time a long long LOOOOONG time ago. It was the moment where I got my name (Dish Towel). Do you remember this moment? I hope you do, cuz I'm not going to write this moment on here for public eyes to witness....if ya know what I mean. So anyways, due to circumstances, I received the name Dish Towel.

I am pleased to announce something exciting in the world of Dish Towel. Due to recent circumstances, I no longer qualify for the name Dish Towel. No, I do not wish to change my name, I just wish to boast. Are you ready for this...?

Dish Towel (now keep in mind the situation a long time ago and recent changes that have occured in my life), I no longer meet the qualifications for "Dish Towel." Instead, I qualify for the status of...(DRUMROLL.....)...Dish RAG!!!

Get it?
Well...I hope you do. I felt this was a blog-worthy thing to share, but a little bit difficult to share with apartment 30 without sharing to the whole world.

So...if you don't understand a word that I just said, well...just text me or call me or message me on facebook. But don't you dare think I'm going to explain things in depth on here. That would spoil the secret to the meaning behind my name. Haha!

Signing out, Dish Towel :)


  1. Oh. My. Word. I think I just peed in my pants a little from laughter. The end.

  2. I was literally on the edge of my seat with anticipation. LOL. I love it, Dish "Rag" Towel. Bahahaha. I am pretty sure I will keep my name forever. hahaha.
