Attention to everyone who is excited for a laugh: This is gonna be good.
So...ya know how I randomly tend to talk in my sleep...or take pictures in my sleep...or other bizarre things in my sleep? Well, I decided to start posting those wonderful times on this blog.
Here is the most recent sleep event...
One day I was sleepy.
Actually I was very sleepy.
I was so sleepy that I started to doze of in class. (that doesn't take much)
Good thing I'm talented and can listen while closing my eyes.
This was a good plan (sleeping) until the teacher asked a question...since I was sorta listening, I decided I wanted to respond to the question.
This was a bad plan (answering the question)
Because I wasn't fully awake.
I was in that in between stage where I'm sleeping, but awake, but nothing makes sense when it comes out of my mouth.
Luckily I stopped myself just in time.
I did not make a half asleep comment in class.
Can you imagine how disastrous that would be???
Let me repeat that for emphasis...
Yeah. It would have been the worst thing ever.
Anyways, life is good. and. I am bound and determined not to sleep in class any time soon.
-Love ya, Dishtowel
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