As I transferred from Utah to N. Carolina I thought for sure that the one thing that would be consistent in my life was my job. I had transferred locations before so I figured other than getting used to my new co-workers work would stay indifferent. Boy was I wrong.
1. Customers refer to me as darling, sweetie, sugar, sugar dumpling, honey , honey sugar, baby, etc.
2. They do all of that with a southern drawl.
3. Customers are generally very very 'beautiful' here
4. So are most of the employees
6. EVERYONE pays in cash. ( I guess Utah truly does have one the highest debt rates)
7. All of my co-workers smoke
8. Alot of my co-workers drink lots and lots of alcohol
9. Several of these 'beautiful' co-workers like to bring alcohol to work with them
10. Every single daily procedure is done in a new and improved way! Yippee. I never can remember what way is the right way for this store.
11. Instead of crummy old hand held scanners that double scan we have fancy shmancy scanners like you see in wal-mart!!
12. No store managers ? Every store I've worked at in N. Carolina currently doesn't have a store manager. In fact, the one I work at now the store manager quit and walked out my very first day. Leaving me in charge! YAY!
13. Instead of staying on one road for 10 minutes to get to work I get to drive on three different major highways for 30 minutes.
14. I am getting a RAISE
15.Customers male and female alike sport very attractive mullets... while wearing wife beaters and/or spandex
15.DRAMA FEST!!! There is always some problem with someones brotherssistersdaughtersbabysdaddy
16. And all of those above folk are employeed here. Yes the brother the sister the daughter and the babys daddy
17. Instead of making a measly 100 dollars on sunday, its the busiest business day topping over 3500 dollars
18. People with 10 children aren't mormon, they just choose not to use birth control.
19. My employees call me Mrs. Kimberly.
20. We have lights that automatically turn on at the beginning of the day and off at the end of the day... therefore I feel magical