Monday, December 27, 2010
Missing you all
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
<3 Sponge :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Canadian Border Patrol Man continues on...
I know....that was random. That's just what ya get.
Oh and P.S. Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Peace! <3 Spooner
Friday, November 12, 2010
"I'll Always Remember You" by Hannah Montana
The View From Behind
The view from the north is good.
The view from the cold is that the heater is devil when I'm already warm and nice in bed and then it goes on and I feel like I no longer need to exercise because I sweat off everything in the night.
The view from behind is, well, big. But, and this is a big butt, the feel-good torture will resume as soon as the 16th comes again.
-Lunch Pale
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dear Love Dove,
Sunday, October 31, 2010
parallax, ultima Thule, ultramontane, a perte de vue, aphelion

Halloween is finally here! Horray!!!
Spooner thinks Halloween is the BEST holiday of the year. Spooner is SUPER excited that it is Halloween today. :) Spooner just wanted to share best Halloween Wishes to you.
Spooner had a Halloween party! Horray! Everyone had a good time! We played silly games, heard a gory story, and ate decorated food. :) Zombie and Sponge both made it to the party and were laughing lots with Spooner... especially with the fun story. They were a bit grossed out....and their reactions were fantastic! We had lots of fun! Happy Day! We hope you had an epic Halloween too!
Love ya, Spooner :D
Thursday, October 28, 2010
14 number of the Quarter Deeds... Which is this one!
The deed was done at work. Yes, at work. The quarter deed helped a child too and some unknown foundation. So, while in the huge van of glory one of my students had a mishap. :( Another student took her donation bank from school and dropped the money out that was inside it all over in the huge van. The huge van of glory seemed to eat the money! 3 children, a teacher (me), and 10 minutes later we still could not find the money dropped!
The girl who lost the money claimed to have lost one quarter. Of all coins and amounts to lose, she lost just ONE QUARTER? COIN-incidence? I think not! Says I to myself, "Here is a perfect quarter deed!" I turned to the sad child and proclaimed; "I will give you the quarter that you lost!"
So, as promised...after driving the huge van of glory down the glory ride of bumpyness back to the place of work...I dug through my purse and wallet for a quarter. Funny story....I only had ONE quarter! "Sweet" I thought to myself! I turned to the girl and said "One quarter as promised." Oddly enough, none of the other children complained that I didn't give them money for their banks also...they grasped the situation and I was VERY impressed. So there ya have it! One girl and one foundation benefited from a small quarter. Yay for the Quarter Deeds of Happiness! :)
Love, Spooner
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Bridal Shower #1
I won't go into too many details, but this is why I love Mike...(thanks to Twoderful and mad lib)
He is always hot and very squishy hearted in all that he does with me.
He jumps my door.
He doesn't just snuggle what he wants. He is always sliding out for the benefits there are for boogers.
He is a giraffe scout and a return Missionary.
He gives me caterpillars, is spontaneous, plans mountain activities, and "blah blah blah's" to me all the time! (it's the sweet things that make a slimy difference)
He always asks for my couch. When we make a decision, it's truly a joint decision because he takes the time to kiss my point of view.
He sings and plays the piano. and I love to just slap down at the piano and tumble with him.
He loves my family and my family loves him.
He's not starry to try something new. He's very purplish with sports and outdoor activities.
'Mike' is happy with life. He looks on the soft side of things and helps me to see the crunchy when I am feeling down.
I love that he is so service oriented.
He has a very tough love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shows it in the way he lives.
After the bridal shower: Lunch Pail, Twoderful, Zombie, Sponge, Spooner and I went to the...hmmm....we'll call it the: Silver Fork. (We were together, minus Love Dove, and we wish she could have been with us). Oh yeah, it snowed...a buttload! (If you don't know how much a buttload is...well, I'll just turn around and show you.) We did not eat snow, we ate soft serve snow with yumminess. It was goooood. (p.s. This is the part that applies to the title of this blog: Reunion. fyi)
The End.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Jobness in the land of the next door land
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I have love in my life.
I haven't updated the blog in so long....but listen up cuz this is important! "DISH TOWEL" IS IN LOVE WITH "MIKE"!
Fairytale (made into real life)
Once upon a time there was a girl named Dish Towel and a boy named Mike. These two wonderful individuals were living their lives oblivious to what their hearts were missing. Thank goodness Mike has a sister who is brilliant. She figured out a way to invite Mike to play Ultimate Frisbee with Dish Towel. After Dish Towel and Mike met, they decided to go on a date...and then another...and then another...and then they held hands...and then they kissed...and then their relationship grew to what it is now. Love. Yes indeed. Now they are planning on getting married in the castle on the hill in the snowy month of cold. They will be married, move to their own mini castle and create many adventures for today, our lives, and the rest of forever.
Question: Can I handle forever? Answer: Yes!
The End.
Wedding plans are crazy and I'm still waiting to have the glimmer on my finger....but no worries, updates will be coming soon.
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh. Gosh. You are so smart. 14.
Now I'm gonna go eat some food. Lots of yummy food.
p.s count the quarters in the picture. 13. Ha. I thought it was clever. Just saying.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Quawter deed # Awesome.

So this is not exactly a quarter deed but I am counting it because I can, and because I want to. Also because it was incredible. My brother and I used 'Karma' to describe it but to us it was extremely hilarious.
Today was my amazing and wonderful mothers birthday! Yea for her! So I had to run to Wally-World to grab some stuff. It was hot and my car lacks that luxury named air conditioning. We were thirsty and wanted refreshment. However those gold digging, stingy, selfish machines of vending denied any pleasure that we were seeking. We tried and failed. One machine would take no money and one machine would take all money but give no goodness. We happened upon a third, which took money. (good sign) and My bro pushed a button. It vended that orange bubbly goodness and out popped a second.! We thought it hilarious. Oh and an extra quarter. yep.
We are feeling pretty victorious and pleased with ourselves. As we drive out my brother, the kind hearted stud that he is spotted a person with a sign saying they were homeless and begging for food and or money. My brother had opened his but said I could have his if we gave my unopened one to the 'beggar'. (Isn't he awesome!) So I give away my soda and let my bro keep his (I'm not that into soda any how.) And He says "It's all good. You just get more Karma."
So I know this is not exactly a quarter deed but this is how I think it works.
1) The machine gave me a quarter. Chalk points up for the machine.
2) The soda that was given away cost 75 cents. That's 3 quarters. So. That works out.
3) It was all done in the spirit of giving!
Therefore, it worketh in my book.
Happy day dear readers and remember, ...
dude I can't remember what I wanted to tell you to remember.
That's bogus.
Just saying.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
More New Roommates
Signing off!
~Sponge :)
Beauty ....and competition!
Can you figure out who's writing this blog yet??? lol. As I told Lunch Pale tonight; some things never change. :D
But now the competition is on! Us three AGAINST eachother! Ohmygoodness! Who can get the most ladies to the night of beauty next week? Will it be....Lunch Pale! (yay!) Twoderful! (yay!) orrrrrrrrr Spooner!? (double yay!) :) We shall see, we shall see!
Keep rooting for your favorite beauty queen! Until then (or maybe before, we shall see ;) hehe),
The One and Only Spooner's signing off.... CYA!
Well, we all tied as none of our friends that we invited actually came. hahaha! But the Mary Kay ladies were quite entertained! We gave them a new idea to do this competition thing! lol. Thanks for the fun!
~Spooner :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
My mind is blank and can't come up with a good title.

Dish-towl. - is dating mike. mike leaves in three days for school. Sad day.
Spooner - Is job hunting. Spending lots of time with mike. They are good buds.
Zombie - Mike came out from the east to visit and they are in love. It's cute.
Lunch Pale - Is engaged to Mike and they tie the knot in 14 ish days. Woot Woot. It's a party.
Love Dove- Moved back down south to go to school there. She is missed. Her life is a mystery.
Sponge - How you say it? Oh. Lost her VL's to mike. They are dating.
Twoderful - ..........................................................................................................nothing going on.
That was supposed to not be confusing but I think I might have made the damage worse. Whatever.

I feel so indebted to my friends. But there is an entity I feel more in debted to. That would be my family. If my friends are the buttons on my shirt, my family is the shirt. The threads brought me into existence. They are my foundation. They give me somewhere to fall back on. They are my security. They've always been there for me. As I've looked at others who have no family at all I start to tear up. I can't imagine life with out my family. They are truly amazing and have given me the most important things in life. I feel like I will never be able to convey to them how much I truly love them and are grateful for everything they've given me!
And one more thank you I need to extend. (I know I should save all the thank you's for when I win a Grammy but I don't think that day is coming for me!) The man up stairs. Every thing I have. Everything I am. I'm so grateful to be a part of the gospel. I know he loves me.
Life is good. Life is good.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
~Sponge :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
We also rode fantastic rides and Spooner thought she was going to die! Yup! But Mike made things all better when he told her that first she'd experience her worst fear (fainting during the ride) before she'd die. Thank-you Mike! So, all was fun in the far city of funness and stuff. Spooner really liked the singing and dancing show lots.
Hey Zombie? Are we moving? no. yes. no. wait, yes!
Your friend, Spooner :)
Monday, August 2, 2010
The latest cool adventure was the Timp hike! Dish Towel and Spooner went with some friends to the top of the world! We had fun and are quite sore.
The coolest adventure previous to that was a slip n slide party in the little city. Sponge, Dish-Towel, Twoderful, and Spooner all made it to the water fun. :) We ate popcorn chicken too. Yum.
Other than that, we are all doing quite well in our own worlds. I think we are all fairly busy with many different things....and with mikes. lol.
Good night dear friends. May your dreams be pleasant and sweet tonight. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog!
Forever friends, Spooner
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Life is funny
~<3 Spooner
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Yet another new roommate!
Updates, updates and more updates.
Ok more highlights.
Mike is way glory.
um and Twoderful, Spooner, Dishtowl and Zombie went on a giant road trip to the land of small towns and greenery! It's just splendid.!! We is having such the glorious time trading off being comando's!!! And also riding on Gondolas! And bike rides! And glory sunsets! It has been Awesome!
The town of little is glory and warm. Pools be open!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Quarter Deed number.....who knows....
So, Twoderful left a quarter in a parking lot in Canada. If you look closely you can see it is a Candian quarter! Now, some lucky person can get a quarter off their next purchase! Yay for quarter deeds working in Canada too!
The second quarter deed is preformed by Spooner! She left a Candian quarter in a golden boot! Horray! It was to help the town in a parade and a rodeo too I think. Now they have another quarter to sponsor their town's amazing event!
Thirdly, Mom Twoder also preformed a quarter deed of goodness. She helped out a foundation...children's hospital or the Canada! Yes, with one quarter....a Canadian quarter....she helped change the world. :)
We love doing quarter deeds and found joy in the fact that we can do them all over the world! It feels so great to help someone out.
That's all folks! ~Spooner
Monday, June 21, 2010
Random Fun-ness with Maple Leaves
Pictures all the way from the Land of Leav
Pic. #1: (on the right)
This is dedicated to all those you can relate to this sign :)
Pic #2:
This is Mike. This is Mike's crossing sign. We saw two of these signs at the side of two different roads. Thank-you Mike for your sign.
Pic. #3: (above) Well, this one is self-explanatory...
(Stinker and Mr. Gas you have been vetoed by the Duty-Free-Country.)
Pic. #6: (on the left)
Twoderful and Spooner really were only "around the corner" from ya'all.
p.s. check out the trash can....all trash cans in the Land of Leaves have to be "bear proof" for it is right next to the Land of Bears and there are alot of bears in the Land of Leaves.
Pic. #5 This is for your duty...
Pic. #7: (to the left)
Here is proof of a black bear
Pic. #8: (right)
Bear Xing sign
Mountain Sheep or "Rams"
Pic. 10: (Right)'s barely poking his little head out from his home...
That's all for this post! We hope you enjoy! You're tourist friend, Spooner
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Yesterday, two young girls had a wonderful lemonaid stand!!! Guess what? Their lemonaid was a quarter. I didn't have an American quarter!!! I asked if I could use a Canadian quarter, and they said yes. So I got two lemonaids, but gave them 4 quarters instead of 2 to make up for it. Oh, and Mike was there to witness. Thank-you for the lemonaid girls and for accepting non-American quarters!!! I hope they enjoy the extra quarters too! :)
Love, Spooner
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Quarter Deed Karma
-Dish Towel
Dear Mike, You are spiffy!

Dear Blog Followers,
Highlights of the past week:
1)I hung out with Mike a few days ago.
2)I ate some skittles.
3)I played Ultimate Frisbee in the park.
4)I watched a movie.
5)I ate more skittles.
6)I am going to a pretty white party on Friday.
Life is Grand!
Post note:
Dear Blog Creators,
Thank Mike for Highlights 1-6.
That is all.
<3/Dish Towel
Friday, June 11, 2010
Quarter Deed #6

Yesterday Lunch Pail, Zombie and I did LAUNDRY! It was fantastic! Doing Laundry with friends always adds excitement. While we were there, a girl came up to us with 5 nickles. She asked if one of us had a quarter to do some nickel/quarter swappin. I was in luck and had an extra quarter. We did the swappin and went on with our laundry.
Dear Nickel Girl,
Thanks for the Quarter deed!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Travel Log 3: A walk in the park.
Facts For the day:
Lunch Stop: McDonalds. They had leaves and french on all the wrapping!! Way cool!
Fun stop: Big rock randomly in the middle of flat lands. Pretty neat Indian story to go with it. This guy sat on a rock. He gave the rock his coat because the rock was poor. One day it was cool and the guy wanted his coat back. The rock refused and the guy was mad so he just took it. He was walking off when he heard something. He turned around and the rock was chasing him. The guy started running. His animal friends tried helping him but they got smashed. Then his bat friends helped him. Yes bats. One bat hit the rock dead center with its face and cracked the rock in half. That is why the rock was in the middle of no where. Very unbelievable story but pretty cool.
Fun Activity of the day: Standing out the sun roof taking pictures while the car was moving.
Pictures to come later!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Travel Log:1
Day 1:
The traveling participants on this journey are as follows: Spooner, Twoderful (Me!) and my mother, whom we shall call mommy Twoder! Ok ok. Spooner spent the night at my mothers castle. We woke up at the crack of dawn, well actually, dawn had yet to crack. So no cracking dawn. We awoke at an early hour of 5. Yep. Tadah!.! We got on the road and drove, cause that's what you do on a road!! While driving we were able to be blessed with many bless-ed sights to our eyes.
Facts of Day 1:
First Animal we saw: Black Cow
Funny Story: Twoderful was sitting in the car waiting for Mommy Twoder and Spooner. (this was a potty break. Twoderful was occupied with texting Lunch Pail when she saw some one approaching the car. She looked up. It was a man. A man she did not know. this man opened the drivers door (Twoderful was sitting passenger side front seat) and starts to climb in. Twoderful says...'wrong car', he looks over slightly startled and then apologizes. He then walks around and gets into the car directly to the right of our car, whose name, by the way is Cyrano. We were laughing so hard!!!
Lunch Stop: IF. We went to the temple which was fantastic!! We had such an amazing experience inside the Lord's house! It was great! Mommy Twoder got an oil change for the car.
Funny Sign in IF: A duck crossing sign. A mommy duck was leading three baby ducks and the middle baby duck had tripped on its head.
More Animals We Saw: (in order) ducks, seagulls, hawk, horses, roadkill, sheep, llamas, goats, crane, pony, white tail deer, dog.
Another cool Sign:
Sleep Stop: Spooners home town. Yep that's right we got to stop in her hometown. It was fantastic. My personal favorite parts. Sunset over the farm. Her schools (highschool, junior high, middle school, and elementary are all next to one another. The play ground at the schools. The beauty of big sky country. Spooner's personal favorites. Seeing the people again. Playing in the play ground with me. Seeing her old houses. Oh and we also got to play in the river right as we were coming into town. It was fantastic! Skipping rocks is a blast. Especially if you can't!
Other funny billboard: 'Welcome to IF...You're here! was worth the wait!' (long drive with nothing around, just saying!)
Funny Things that were said!:
"Seventh Day Girls Evangelist Church, that seems like a better church! ...Not better church, just the right church!" - Spooner
"Are you having fun going down memory lane?" -Twoderful "No, it's main street" -Momma Twoder and Spooner
"Honey,'re a little awkward." -Momma Twoder to Twoderful
"I'm a Piranha" -Spooner "You Vulcan" - Twoderful
"My head is full of water. It feels funny" -Twoderful
"Food disposal, dish disposal. Not a trash disposal. I don't do trash" -Spooner
If you don't get, it probably means you had to be there.
Day 2:
Today we woke up in Spooner's home town because that is where we slept! In the morning she gave us the grand tour. We went by her old houses and she went and said hi to some of her old teachers. We also went to the place where she used to work. An awesome little chocolate shop. Who doesn't like chocolate right? Any how there were some fantastic things inside. Like...Chocolate..shirts that said "there is a skinny woman inside of me dying to get out but i keep her sedated with chocolate"...chocolate bars of glory. See below!!!!
After the chocolate shop we hit the road again. Actually it might be better if I said we got back on the road. There was no hitting of the road. It might have made us giggle though, if we hit it. Ok, now that is on the to do list of tomorrow. We drove and drove and drove. The whole time of yesterday and today we have been driving under clouds. It raining sometimes and sometimes not. The weather can't make up it's mind, kinda like a girl.
Facts about Day 2:
Animals seen today: dead deer, fake bear, cows and...more horses and more cows and more horses and more cows.
Lunch Stop: Beautiful lake still in the states...but just barely! We didn't stay long because we planned to go to the temple that is in the land of leaves! So we were on a bit of a time crunch!
Guess What?: We crossed the border today!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Sign: 'Now leaving the USA'
Sleep Stop: In a hotel by the glorious temple that is built like Aztec Architecture!! It is amazing!! It was another glorious temple stop and trip! Sad thought is that it is the last one we go to until we head back to the states. Oh, and while also at the Temple we got to meet Bro. Mike. Bro. Mike actually happens to be the blood brother of Pres. Mike back in the little city! The hotel we are at has a watering hole. We went swimming. That was the only logical thing to do. Right? Of course right! So we swam. It was fantastic. Actually, we played...swimming was only 1/100 of what we did. (Look look look! This is proof to Lunch pail and dish towel that i can do math!)Who knew you could have so much fun with a volley ball and water!!! I seriously got my work out and burned off all those..uh actually we haven't eaten that bad of food. Thanks to Momma Twoder.
Quarter Deed # Fun
Mike and I were out having a blast at a kid's quarter playstation. Instead of a token, the token machine expelled a quarter. First thought: Quarter deed.
We left the quarter at an obvious location on a fun outlet. Then we kept on keepin' on.
Hope you had fun, quarter-user!
-Lunch Pale
Monday, May 31, 2010
-Lunch Pale
Temple Day :)
Keep on keeping on; being good.
Love your sister, Spooner
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Karakoeeekee the 2nd
Friday, May 21, 2010
We sang this for you!!!!

Dishtowel, Twoderful, LoveDove, and Zombie had a night out on the town.
They went to Karoke
They performed at Karoke
They were amazing at Karoke
... They will continue to go to Karoke.
See you there!
Yours Truley Zombie
PSS Karoke is actually spelt Karaoke.
(P.P.P.S I know this is late in coming but....also on this night all four of us preformed a quarter deed of amazing. Our good friend Mike was serving at the place of karaoke. He brought our food and it was exceedingly good! We decided to leave mike a tip in ... drum roll....that's right. Quarters. We left him 25 quarters in to go box that we creatively decorated by stabbing it with forks and spoons. We left some utensils in the box to give it more...flare! We felt content with our creative happy ness!
My Thoughts Tonight
There are so many things on my mind tonight, so I thought I’d just start writing and see what I come up with.
So change is inevitable. I know we hear it a lot but it is soooo true. I hate change. It makes me go weak in the knees and it becomes hard for me to see what the future will bring. I know not everything lasts and sometimes I wish it did; yet in hindsight I’m sure glad things didn’t stay the same. I wouldn’t be where I am today or doing the amazing things I do if it weren’t for the changes in my life.
Death takes a tole on a person. Yet death helps me see better how life could be, because I think about what I could do with my life. There are sooo many people I could touch if I stepped farther out of my shell and did what I really wanted to do and said the things I needed to say. So many times in life I have just let the moment pass me by and later just sat down and cried. I’m here to say that when I took the time to write a letter or two to a family member, I felt relief in my heart when I think about the fact that they knew I loved them so very much before they passed on to the other life.
Today I have two choices.
I can let the moment pass me by or I can follow my heart and do what I feel I need to do, no matter how much the change may hurt at the time. In the end I remember God knows me better than I know myself…and every time hindsight is 20/20 and change has helped me grow. God bless you all that I love. Know that tomorrow will come and just maybe it’ll be the miracle you have been praying for or maybe a far better journey than you thought the day could hold. Maybe something in you or in your life just might change!
Keep on changing. Keep on smiling. Fight the good fight. Do what is right. And God will be your strength. And we will make it through life. Together. Because we all need to fight, why not side by side? I Love you my brothers and sisters.
Take care for now,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The End.
-Lunch Pale
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A change of pace
Just like any good card game, life isn't always about what happens to you, it is about how you play the cards you are dealt. Though, unlike regular card games, the dealer will only give you cards that He knows you are able to work with (unless of course we make a stupid move, that we cannot blame on the dealer. He will however always help us when we make mistakes!). It is because of this that we can be sure that no matter how many twists or turns, ups or downs,and no matter how many "unfair" things happen, we can always count on making it out on top if we wait patiently for the dealers instructions. We must, however, follow his instructions exactly because he knows how the game will end and how to get you to the winners circle! There is one more player in this game,your opponent.... he does not want you to win! He will fill you with doubts, fears, and impatient feelings in order to discourage you from winning the game. What we need to keep in mind is that he has no real power over us and by just playing the game the best we know how and listening to the dealer we can defeat the other player GLORIOUSLY!!!!
What may be the most difficult part is that dreaded word... Patience! It seems to me that there are two parts to this word. The actual waiting (which is hard) and what you do in the mean time is the other difficult part. These worries however are also solved by the dealer. He is more than willing to teach us strategies and tricks and the more we listen to Him the closer we will get to Him and the more we will want to follow his instructions. I know that this wasn't a typical apartmentthirty blog and if you made it this far I am hoping it wasn't too boring but it is what is on my mind!
Thanks for listening
Love Dove
p.s. Good luck playing the game!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
THE TIME IS 11:15 .
TUTU's and Broken Butts

SO Zombie, Dishtowel, and AWESOME #1 all got together for a night of epic adventure. It started out with a quick call to our dear friend MIKE ... oh how sad when the ringing of the phone ended in a voicemail box. Zombie acting as Dishtowel left MIKE a rather important message with specific set of directions on how to get to THE CLUB. As we were dancing to the beat and skating to the rhythm our eyes beheld many many 12 year old skanks. I wonder if their mothers knew what they were dressed like. What they were doing. I was rather shocked. Anywho ... our tutu's were whoooshing in the wind. We were all picking up speed, we were all feeling the groove. Then Awesome # 1 decided that Zombie was being a bit to prideful and let her wheels collide with zombies. I fell on my bottom my tutu was everywhere my matching headband askew.
Ultimately my bottom was broken.
. . . Ok its fine but it hurts.
Overall, it was a glorious evening full of wonder for only one dollar!
We invite you all to come to THE CLUB in THE LITTLE CITY. Just cover your eyes 12 year olds can scar you for life.
<3 / Zombie.
To protect women everywhere
There I was enjoying a rather private moment when it occured to me.
As I was sitting there.. washingtons gleaming silver eyes would not let my soul rest.
I knew ...
What a wonderfully wonderful place for a quarter deed.
To women everywhere...
I placed that quarter into a very special machine.
Leaving a very special defense against evil.
ENJOY LADY LUCK WHOEVER YOU MAY BE . That tampon was on me.

Yours Truley
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Rain Man aka Raymond

There was much rejoicing in the land with Awesome #1 and Mike. Mike organized a camping trip up Hobble Creek Canyon. Complete with hot dogs and apples of wonder. Mike is the only one that was able to spend the night, but Mike, Mike, Mike, Awesome #1, Love Dove and Lunch Pale all went up for dinner and conversation. Lunch Pale and Love Dove made a table of glory with little help from Mike. We ate the skewered encased meats and sugary appleness and our stomachs were happy. And then the heavens wept right as the sun set on the glory of nature. So, we left Mike and Mike to their fire and water. Now we smell of smoke because smoke follows beauty and what can I say: We must be gorgeous. ;)
Love and tootsie rolls,
Lunch Pale.
PS-if it is wet, it is rain.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
All The Single Ladies
On Saturday night all was calm in the Little City as Dish-Towel, Spooner, and Love Dove gathered together for the epic dance that they were bound to be early to...which they ended up being Very Early To. :) We had fun as we learned the thriller dance with Mike. Then we split our ways to represent other dance arts... I chose to attend the break dancing instruction! I saw the windmill and the head spin performed along with a few other cool moves... I loved trying to break dance! The other two amazing classes were Latin and Country Swing. :) After all classes were finished they opened the gym for the marvelous dance! We danced and jived having the time of our lives. Before too long our sisters, Lunch-Pale and Twoderful joined us! We danced even more with new energy livening up our souls! Later on Mike showed up! We documented our fantabulous adventure as we had our picture taken as roomies, which picture should be glorious! We also took a gigantic picture with all our friends... Mike included. lol. We had mucho fun dancing the night away. I even got into a gummy bear fight! It was fantastic! Before the night closed we had the opportunity to show off our thriller skills, our dance to Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA," and then we broke it down with all the "Single Ladies." I also showed off my worm skills which surprised dear Dish-Towel. :) The night ended with candy, chips, and lots of otter pops! :)
Keep on dancing in life, and have fun with each new song.
Signing out,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
-Did you even make a Pound? -I made a pound of cinnamon toast with mayonnaise.
Life. The best four letter word out there.
-Lunch Pale
Quarter Deed #5

Attention: The picture above is not a correct representation of this quarter deed, but it applies to I thought: "Why not get a laugh out of a blog post?" So...I hoped you laughed at the comic, if not, oh well. I laughed. :) Well. The quarter deed count is a little crazy to me right now. I think all in all...we are on #5, but I could be wrong. Oh well. It was a quarter deed anyways. I just have to say, right now I feel rockin' cuz I've done 2 quarter deeds in the past week! (woo woo!) I've been a slacker with previous weeks so...I kinda feel the need to kick my butt in gear. This quarter deed was great! and. Laundry mats are great places for quarter deeds. I simply placed my quarter on the ground; A while later it was gone. I kept my eye on this quarter for a while because I find it fantastic to see the reactions of quarter-finders. But. The quarter disappeared at a moment when I was not looking. Even though I did not get to see the reaction of the person that picked it up, I know who it was. Two girls were in there (and when I say girls I do not mean little 5 year old girls...I mean college girls), they were the only other ones in there with me and they were standing pretty much on top of the quarter. It made me giggle when I realized the quarter was gone.
p.s. I said "quarter" a lot in this blog entry. ha. makes me laugh.
Happily yours,
Dish Towel
Monday, May 10, 2010
Salutations from Love Dove

This be my first time blogging EVER! Yes I know I am behind the times. Life here in the cave is Great! I have met plenty of smokin Mikes in this Little City! This thing called life never ceases to amaze me and I love it!!! I plan on having a multitude of happy times here with Dish Towel, Zombie, and Lunch Pale with visitations from Twoderful and Spooner!
Be back soon,
Love Dove :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Quarter Deed #3
So I was able to brighten up her day. :) The End.
Loves, Spooner :)
Quarter Deed #1 (Dish Towel)

Warning: This story is completely made up by the imagination of Dish Towel.
Once upon a time there was a very hungry person doing their laundry at the laundry mat. Luckily this starving soul looks over to see a vending machine glowing in the corner. (horray!) Snacks are always beneficial when waiting for laundry to be done, and at the convenient price of only 75 cents! A dollar is put in the machine, the snack comes out and as this hungry-laundry-do-er reaches down for their 25 cent change...low and behold there is not one quarter, but TWO quarters in the change slot.
Warning: This part of the story is truth.
As I was doing my laundry the other day I knew it was the perfect moment to do a quarter deed. I had many options, and after thinking long and hard, I decided to perform a sneaky quarter deed. I simply walked over and slipped a quarter in the change slot of the vending machine. I love this decision of a quarter deed. I may never know when the deed will take place or to whom. I will not know what their reaction will be or if they even notice. Sometimes these can be the best acts of service. Sometimes it is good to know that I am doing a good deed and it is a great feeling to be a secret agent in the hands of God. Yep, that's right...we can all be a secret agent by simply giving acts of service and doing as the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ would do while on this earth.
As it says in the King James version of the Bible in Matthew 25:40
"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
Spiffily yours,
Dish Towel :)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Changing Dynamics
Change 2: Move ins happened. There fore there are new additions to the apartment. With new additions more introductions are required. The newest member of Apartment Thirty is Love-Dove. She hails from a land of glorious heat and happyness. Her and Zombie were best buds back in the prison of teenage hormones...aka college prep school...aka secondary. Any how she is a perfect addition to our hollowed cave walls.
Change 3: Summer. Summer is a fantastic change. The weather is warmer. School is less...for some of us who are not in summer school. ...sorry roomies who is....the end.
Change 4: The colony of caves now has a new slew of tenants. Lets go adopt them into our tribe. In other words...NEW FRIENDS!!!!!! Yeah for new comers and all of the new experiences. I have to admitt that at times meeting lots of new people can be overwhelming for me but it's fantastic getting to know everybody. Just saying.
Change 5: I changed my clothes today. Just thought you'd wanna know that the shirt I wore for 12 days straight is now getting worshed. No but really. Showering and changing are good. The end. For reals.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Mullet explanation

Okay. I have made a realization.
The last blog entry needs a little bit of explanation.
This heart is made out of fliers.
These fliers are nasty. They have a picture of a shirtless hairy chested mullet man. We found the flier on our door and cringed.
but. Then we had a brilliant idea.
Okay. So...a while ago we pranked Mike's apartment.
Mike said he would get us back, but their apartment still hasn't done so.
We decided to use the fliers to do some good.
So...we gathered 22 fliers, and colored a strawberry shortcake picture. The picture says "Gifts for Friends." We also wrote on it. It says, "Dear Apartment, We are waiting. Enjoy!" Zombie, Twoderful and I used our ninja skills in posting this on Mike's door.
Twoderful thinks mullets can be amazing.
I am still firm in my belief that they are gross.
What about you?
How do mullets make YOU feel?
signing off: Dish Towel.
I Dumped Ice Cream Down my Pants

Hello World!!!
This is Dish-Towel's official 1st blog.
Yep. You got it.
So read on because we had amazing weekend adventure.
Saturday was a day of...stuff.
Stuff at stores.
Stuff in rooms.
Stuff of friends.
Stuff of food.
Stuff of
Hold up! Zombie just asked a question of brilliance: Where does all the color go from our food? Like really? When we eat it...there is color...when we dispose of is yellow. Just sayin.
back to the day of stuff:
Stuff of crafty-ness
Stuff of awesome. It was just a good day.
Hold up! Answer to the previous question. Zombie and I just discussed the question and we came up with an answer in song...yeeeeah, we like to pretend we are in a musical sometimes.
Question: Where does all the color go?
Answer: Rainbow Veins by Owl City
Drug reference not included.
Okay. I need to stop getting distracted, this is ridiculous!
Saturday was a day of stuff.
Zombie, Twoderful, Lunch Pail and I went to the HUGE CITY to go shopping at the HUGE STORE. We went with two awesome friends with the names of Awesome #1 and Awesome #1. (there can't be a #2 cuz they both deserve the status of Awesome #1 to me)
Too bad Mike couldn't come.
Also...a side note of doom: Twoderful received a call from top brass. They needed her to get her kit out of her cave or they would freak out. So..she couldn't stay with us at the HUGE STORE. It was a great sadness.
If I was a hobo I would be in heaven at the HUGE STORE because of their carts.
Ya know how hobos use carts to haul all their stuff around?
Well...the HUGE STORE has carts that is every hobo's dream.
and. actually...carts of my dreams too.
Am I a hobo?
We found all sorts of treasures at this store. oh boy! It was exciting, but I gotta move on to the next thing of excitement cuz it was a packed day.
After we left the HUGE CITY and the HUGE STORE we went to one of those downtown stores that always have awesome for the price of: overpriced.
It's a good thing we are creative people.
Zombie and I were amazed to see a really cool earring holder that was made of the following items:
1)Picture frame
2)Cute material
3)Quilting batting
It was SOOO adorable, but way too expensive, so we decided to make our own. (As of right now, Zombie has hers finished and I need to work on mine still.) We found another one with chicken wire! chicken wire? yes. chicken wire. way spiffy and cute. We're gonna make something awesome!
After our trip to the HUGE STORE we were oober hungry.
Lunch Pail, Twoderful, Zombie and I went to a quaint little restaurant down the street. ( brass was done freaking out about the kit in the cave. Twoderful could join us for this adventure...and also the previous adventure with the downtown store of cute.)
The food was great.
The ice cream was incredible.
Actually, it was so incredible that I think we all at at least 2 cones.
I ate 4.
Well...that is not a completely truthful statement.
I GOT 4 cones.
aaaaand. I ate cone #1 and cone #2. On our way out I got two more cones. Once we got in the car the ice cream of cone #3 fell off the cone and rolled down my leg. It was really depressing that I had just dumped a huge cone of creamy ice down my pants, hence the title of this blog: I Dumped Ice Cream Down my Pants
It was a sad day for about 3 seconds...then I realized I still had cone #4! horray!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Chipmunks and Par-tays
And there was a party celebrating the birth of one of the coolest people ever. There was excitement around the apartment all day.
All of our finals are over and we are ready for summer.
But the apartment upheaval is underway and all I have to say is that I am a bit upset by the change. *sigh* But, all is for the best and those removing themselves will just have to be leeches, in the good way of course. ;)
Why is it snowing? -Lunch Pale-
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Cowboy Hats, Bears, Pogo Stick searching, Tulle, and A shiny new trophy
That means that it was or was not EPIC.
Sidewalk chalk is an amazing thing.
Dishtowel and Zombie went on an adventure in the LITTLE CITY to see sights there eyes had never before held. Upon their arrival at the "Treasure Chest" many glorious things were waiting. In the end after wading through rivers of shoes and mountains of knick knacks ... Our treasures were each found. While Dishtowel walked away with an amazing hat and some sweet new shades Zombie had found a treasure above all others. A golden TROPHY ... Which from this point on will be named the TOken of Apartment Thirties friendship. The lucky receiver of this trophy should treasure it for all eternity.
Tulle anyone?
We bought enough yards of this stuff to cover the continent. < That was a gross exaggeration. I'm just being honest and a good friend. Perhaps you will see what these are being made to in the future. Any Guesses?
After this Zombie and Dishtowel met up with Spooner and Twoderful to take our friend MIKE to the shopping center. While there we searched diligently for a pogo stick. Our efforts did not end in reward. WE ARE STILL SEARCHING .