Day 1:
The traveling participants on this journey are as follows: Spooner, Twoderful (Me!) and my mother, whom we shall call mommy Twoder! Ok ok. Spooner spent the night at my mothers castle. We woke up at the crack of dawn, well actually, dawn had yet to crack. So no cracking dawn. We awoke at an early hour of 5. Yep. Tadah!.! We got on the road and drove, cause that's what you do on a road!! While driving we were able to be blessed with many bless-ed sights to our eyes.
Facts of Day 1:
First Animal we saw: Black Cow
Funny Story: Twoderful was sitting in the car waiting for Mommy Twoder and Spooner. (this was a potty break. Twoderful was occupied with texting Lunch Pail when she saw some one approaching the car. She looked up. It was a man. A man she did not know. this man opened the drivers door (Twoderful was sitting passenger side front seat) and starts to climb in. Twoderful says...'wrong car', he looks over slightly startled and then apologizes. He then walks around and gets into the car directly to the right of our car, whose name, by the way is Cyrano. We were laughing so hard!!!
Lunch Stop: IF. We went to the temple which was fantastic!! We had such an amazing experience inside the Lord's house! It was great! Mommy Twoder got an oil change for the car.
Funny Sign in IF: A duck crossing sign. A mommy duck was leading three baby ducks and the middle baby duck had tripped on its head.
More Animals We Saw: (in order) ducks, seagulls, hawk, horses, roadkill, sheep, llamas, goats, crane, pony, white tail deer, dog.
Another cool Sign:
Sleep Stop: Spooners home town. Yep that's right we got to stop in her hometown. It was fantastic. My personal favorite parts. Sunset over the farm. Her schools (highschool, junior high, middle school, and elementary are all next to one another. The play ground at the schools. The beauty of big sky country. Spooner's personal favorites. Seeing the people again. Playing in the play ground with me. Seeing her old houses. Oh and we also got to play in the river right as we were coming into town. It was fantastic! Skipping rocks is a blast. Especially if you can't!
Other funny billboard: 'Welcome to IF...You're here! was worth the wait!' (long drive with nothing around, just saying!)
Funny Things that were said!:
"Seventh Day Girls Evangelist Church, that seems like a better church! ...Not better church, just the right church!" - Spooner
"Are you having fun going down memory lane?" -Twoderful "No, it's main street" -Momma Twoder and Spooner
"Honey,'re a little awkward." -Momma Twoder to Twoderful
"I'm a Piranha" -Spooner "You Vulcan" - Twoderful
"My head is full of water. It feels funny" -Twoderful
"Food disposal, dish disposal. Not a trash disposal. I don't do trash" -Spooner
If you don't get, it probably means you had to be there.
Day 2:
Today we woke up in Spooner's home town because that is where we slept! In the morning she gave us the grand tour. We went by her old houses and she went and said hi to some of her old teachers. We also went to the place where she used to work. An awesome little chocolate shop. Who doesn't like chocolate right? Any how there were some fantastic things inside. Like...Chocolate..shirts that said "there is a skinny woman inside of me dying to get out but i keep her sedated with chocolate"...chocolate bars of glory. See below!!!!
After the chocolate shop we hit the road again. Actually it might be better if I said we got back on the road. There was no hitting of the road. It might have made us giggle though, if we hit it. Ok, now that is on the to do list of tomorrow. We drove and drove and drove. The whole time of yesterday and today we have been driving under clouds. It raining sometimes and sometimes not. The weather can't make up it's mind, kinda like a girl.
Facts about Day 2:
Animals seen today: dead deer, fake bear, cows and...more horses and more cows and more horses and more cows.
Lunch Stop: Beautiful lake still in the states...but just barely! We didn't stay long because we planned to go to the temple that is in the land of leaves! So we were on a bit of a time crunch!
Guess What?: We crossed the border today!!!! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool Sign: 'Now leaving the USA'
Sleep Stop: In a hotel by the glorious temple that is built like Aztec Architecture!! It is amazing!! It was another glorious temple stop and trip! Sad thought is that it is the last one we go to until we head back to the states. Oh, and while also at the Temple we got to meet Bro. Mike. Bro. Mike actually happens to be the blood brother of Pres. Mike back in the little city! The hotel we are at has a watering hole. We went swimming. That was the only logical thing to do. Right? Of course right! So we swam. It was fantastic. Actually, we played...swimming was only 1/100 of what we did. (Look look look! This is proof to Lunch pail and dish towel that i can do math!)Who knew you could have so much fun with a volley ball and water!!! I seriously got my work out and burned off all those..uh actually we haven't eaten that bad of food. Thanks to Momma Twoder.
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