So Zombie and her hubby bought a house whoop whoop and so they spent alot of last week moving into this house. They had to be out of there rental by saturday morning because 1. it was the first of the month 2. thats what there land lord required and 3. they didn't want to miss general conference! So Friday night Zombies husband was at the rental loading up the last load with some of our fellow priesthood holders whilst Zombie stayed at the new home and started unpacking. 2 hours after the men left Zombie started to get worried. They should have been back by now..... she called the husband and got no answer! Oh NO! ..... But it turns out that the story isn't very worrisome at all it was actually quite hilarious. On this last trip the men had all the furniture loaded and were ready to head back all they had to do was load one last precious cargo ... the kitty that Zombie and Hubby own! They put the Kitty in the car, keys in the ignition ready to go, they made one final look to make sure everything was tied down secure and when they came back to the truck... it was locked. Kitty had stepped on the electronic lock!!! It was such a fun game for Kitty. She would look at them all innocent and play with there fingers as they tried to unlock the truck through the cracked window.
Finally, 2 hours later, Kitty was defeated! But it's quite amazing she survived.
Oh funny times
hahaha. that is so cute. i am sorry it took two hours though!