Zombie has strange dreams. Some are EPIC . Read on my friend.
Once upon a time Harry Potter was having the birthday party of the century. It was going to be HUGE it was going to be EPIC and the entire wizarding community coveted invitation to this glorious event. So naturally he invited Zombie to attend. It was being held at hogwarts of course and she was so EXCITED. The best part of this shin dig was that Harry Potter had booked the backstreet boys to perform at his party. She made sure she had front row seats to the live concert as well because Harry Potter and Zombie were tight yo. Anyhow, at the party as the backstreet boys were in the middle of their concert Voldemort decided it would be a grand time to ruin Harry Potters life and crash the party. He is about to kill Harry Potter leaving the world and wizarding community in total devastation BUT DO NOT FEAR .... The spice girls come in with spectacular girl power and kick voldemortes BUTT!!!
Then Zombie wakes up....
Oh yeah .... EPIC!
LOL. That is by far the best dream I have heard in a while. :) Put a smile on my face today, thanks. <3 Spooner :)