So it is nearing the end of the year and I figured I would share some happy facts!! They made me happy anyways.
Our audience reaches as far as Germany, Russia, Netherlands, South Korea, the UK, Denmark, Canada and Ukraine. The majority of our readers are from the US.
The month with the most page views was February of 2011 complete with 327.
The top five posts to receive the most views are:
1. Shh... Dont tell. -Lunchpale
2. What's that you say? - Zombie
3. 50 Years from now. - Zombie
4. Happy BIRTHday - Dishtowl
5. Comments - Lunchpale
The top two sources that bring in readers:
Google and a super cool blog.
Enjoy facts.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Happy BIRTHday!
A while ago I was having a conversation with a roommate. I was so giddy with the whole conversation, I was about to burst. So you can all experience the giddy-ness of this conversation, I would like you to do the following:
1) Pretend your Birthday is June 18
2) Pretend like you are actually having a conversation with me.
3) the blog post. duh! tee hee.
Me: "Is your Birthday June 19?"
Roommate: "Nope."
Me: "Bummer! I always seem to get it wrong...Is it on the 18th?"
Roommate: "Bingo!"
Me: "Well sweet! I have super cool news for you!!!"
Roommate: "Well then tell me!!"
Me: "Oh, ok. I have the BEST Birthday present for you EVER!"
Roommate: "Why don't you just give it to me for Christmas?"
Me: "Well...I thought about that, but it's just the perfect Birthday present. So I think I'll give it to you for you Birthday."
PAUSE! What I really wanted to say was this: "Well...I thought about that, but it's just the perfect BIRTHday present...cuz guess what!?!?......"
Baby is due June 19, 2012 (Which is the day after your June 18th Birthday. Your perfect Birthday present is you may be sharing the same Birthday as my baby!!! least super close Birthdays. Plus, you can come and visit me, the hubby and the baby! woop woop!!!-this goes to all you roommates!)
Yeah, that's right. Who's gonna be the cutest lady with a pregnant belly. Me!! :D
Friday, November 18, 2011
Brain Dead ...
So I use the program Publisher to make my Menu Calendar and for some reason I am having like the hardest time converting it over. IT WON'T WORK! Pregnancy pretty much makes you lose every brain cell in your body. ... SOOO on another note, I am just going to type it out and it will look kinda ghetto but yeah you will love it anyway right?
Decembers Menu Plan ( DUN DUN DUN DUN)
Thursday December 1: Avocado Chicken Parm served over pasta
Friday December 2: Broccoli Cheddar Soup with carrots as well
Saturday December 3: * Bread Baking Day
Sunday December 4: Balsamic Brown Sugar PorkLoin ( I can find 1-3lb porkloins at a grocer near me and they are the perfect size for us however, if you can't you can buy a larger one and split it as I am using a porkloin later this month as well) Mashed Potato's , Squash
Monday December 5: BBQ chicken crescents ( I am using shredded chicken from a large batch I made in Oct.)
Tuesday December 6: Chicken Gyros, Ceasar Salad
Wednesday December 7: Roast and Veggies in crockpot ( I teach activity days on wednesdays so these almost always have to be crockpot meals as I don't get home until 830 and the husband will starve otherwise)
Thursday December 8: Cheesy Enchilada Casserole ( I am using leftover tortillas from Nov. they stay fresh for a very long time in the fridg.)
December 9-11: Anniversary Trip NO COOKING WHOOP WHOOP
December 12: BBQ Pork Flatbread (Using previously prepared shredded pork and leftover flatbread from Gyros)
December 13: Sloppy Joes ( Using Deer meat) Sweet Potato Fries
December 14: Pressed Burritos ( Using leftover deer meat and same tortillas from Nov.) Mexi Rice
December 15: BBQ Pork Sandwhiches ( Using leftover BBQ pork from Monday and leftover buns from tuesday) Corn, Chips
December 16: Apple Bourban Porkloin ( This is the other half of the porkloin) Potato's greenbeans
December 17: Date night NO COOKING
December 18: Sunday Dinner with the parents ( Will bring a coordinating sidedish)
December 19: Turkey panini's , Sweet Potato chips
** As you can see we have several events in December so I didn't have to plan nearly as many meals. Hope this is somewhat useful but let me know !
** My planned shopping trip for this month will be Saturday Dec. 3 as I have everything I need to make my first two meals. I try to plan the first few meals on food I already have available incase my shopping trip needs to be delayed until that first weekend.
Decembers Menu Plan ( DUN DUN DUN DUN)
Thursday December 1: Avocado Chicken Parm served over pasta
Friday December 2: Broccoli Cheddar Soup with carrots as well
Saturday December 3: * Bread Baking Day
Sunday December 4: Balsamic Brown Sugar PorkLoin ( I can find 1-3lb porkloins at a grocer near me and they are the perfect size for us however, if you can't you can buy a larger one and split it as I am using a porkloin later this month as well) Mashed Potato's , Squash
Monday December 5: BBQ chicken crescents ( I am using shredded chicken from a large batch I made in Oct.)
Tuesday December 6: Chicken Gyros, Ceasar Salad
Wednesday December 7: Roast and Veggies in crockpot ( I teach activity days on wednesdays so these almost always have to be crockpot meals as I don't get home until 830 and the husband will starve otherwise)
Thursday December 8: Cheesy Enchilada Casserole ( I am using leftover tortillas from Nov. they stay fresh for a very long time in the fridg.)
December 9-11: Anniversary Trip NO COOKING WHOOP WHOOP
December 12: BBQ Pork Flatbread (Using previously prepared shredded pork and leftover flatbread from Gyros)
December 13: Sloppy Joes ( Using Deer meat) Sweet Potato Fries
December 14: Pressed Burritos ( Using leftover deer meat and same tortillas from Nov.) Mexi Rice
December 15: BBQ Pork Sandwhiches ( Using leftover BBQ pork from Monday and leftover buns from tuesday) Corn, Chips
December 16: Apple Bourban Porkloin ( This is the other half of the porkloin) Potato's greenbeans
December 17: Date night NO COOKING
December 18: Sunday Dinner with the parents ( Will bring a coordinating sidedish)
December 19: Turkey panini's , Sweet Potato chips
** As you can see we have several events in December so I didn't have to plan nearly as many meals. Hope this is somewhat useful but let me know !
** My planned shopping trip for this month will be Saturday Dec. 3 as I have everything I need to make my first two meals. I try to plan the first few meals on food I already have available incase my shopping trip needs to be delayed until that first weekend.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Grocery Store Blues
So my husband and I ... we used to HATE grocery shopping and since I work until 7 dinner was a MAJOR problem for us! I would do a weekly meal plan and then never get around to shopping and so therefore half the stuff that week we couldn't eat and I would be so unprepared. I would get home at 7:30 and try and make the quickest easiest meal so we could maybe eat by 8:30 and we would eat and I would fall in to bed exhausted!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention we were eating tons of crappy food like Ramen, Canned Soup, and my love for cooking was completely killed because well, I wasn't actually being allowed to cook. The temptation of picking up pizza, or fast food on the way home was so incredibly high! And I must admit ! I did fall into that temptation often. We were spending TONS of money on food, CRAPPY food, and we were both so disgusted with dinner!
I redesigned how I plan our meals! I plan an entire month in advance now and set a day for that months shopping. YES, that is right! I only have to go grocery shopping ONCE a month. Occasionally I have to run for a gallon of milk or some fresh produce but its a quick 5 minute stop and I only have to do that if the things I bought have gone bad!
I make an entire month of recipes. I make a list from those recipes and use recipes that I can combine ingredants. For example I can make Bajio Chicken Salads early in the month and used leftover shredded chicken from that meal later on in the month for mexican pasta or tacos. I do a bunch of crockpot cooking so when I get home at 7 the food is already there or I look for recipes that take 30 minutes or less so when I get home I know exactly what we are having that day, I have all the stuff ready to go and BAM dinner is done by 8. PLUS I make a bunch of freezable stuff on the weekends in my crock pot. Like shredded chicken , pork and beef so its set for that month and really its not a big deal because I put it in the crockpot and do whatever I want for the rest of the day!
For the month of November we spent a WHOPPING 100 dollars for the entire month! and that included several items that weren't even on the list like Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper !! YUM !
Best of all, all our meals are home cooked goodness, no more Ramen or canned CRAP! and super yummy. Seriously produce can be so cheap! And you can freeze it which makes it even better! Prep is essential for me! Like dicing onions ahead of time and freezing them in a bit of water so they are ready to go all you do is defrost!
Sorry I was just so excited about this that I couldn't even hide it! We are going on two months of success and I can't wait til month three. No more Grocery Blues for us
Sunday, November 6, 2011
My September and October rolled into 7.
I went to a Cowboy convention and this was super cute therefore I captured it in photo!
Once upon a time I decided to be healthy and go running with my dog. Bad idea.
It's a pan. And leaves. Found art!!
Concept for my Halloween costume/sweater.
Reality for my Halloween costume/sweater.
Front view!
Back view!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
An Update from Far Far Away
So Zombie and her hubby bought a house whoop whoop and so they spent alot of last week moving into this house. They had to be out of there rental by saturday morning because 1. it was the first of the month 2. thats what there land lord required and 3. they didn't want to miss general conference! So Friday night Zombies husband was at the rental loading up the last load with some of our fellow priesthood holders whilst Zombie stayed at the new home and started unpacking. 2 hours after the men left Zombie started to get worried. They should have been back by now..... she called the husband and got no answer! Oh NO! ..... But it turns out that the story isn't very worrisome at all it was actually quite hilarious. On this last trip the men had all the furniture loaded and were ready to head back all they had to do was load one last precious cargo ... the kitty that Zombie and Hubby own! They put the Kitty in the car, keys in the ignition ready to go, they made one final look to make sure everything was tied down secure and when they came back to the truck... it was locked. Kitty had stepped on the electronic lock!!! It was such a fun game for Kitty. She would look at them all innocent and play with there fingers as they tried to unlock the truck through the cracked window.
Finally, 2 hours later, Kitty was defeated! But it's quite amazing she survived.
Oh funny times
Finally, 2 hours later, Kitty was defeated! But it's quite amazing she survived.
Oh funny times
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
New Code Names
Adventure in apartment 30 since we have all left 30! By the way, 30 is now naked, in case you were wondering. There is far too much white on the walls. Anyway, there are several Awesomes that now live in 30 that I am friends with. I was hanging out with Awesome #1 (who lives in 30), Awesome #2 (who doesn't live in 30, who was actually the only one who actually knew me well) and 2 Mikes in the very late night almost a week ago. I was sitting on the back of the couch with my twigs not straight (get the new code phrase??). I adjusted the way I was sitting and realized that I was past the point of no return. Apparently I vocally said (thought it was in my head by according to Awesome #2 it was out loud) said "Uh oh" and fell. Now I did kinda catch myself on my forearms (yet still on the floor) and was completely and totally embarrassed. In case you didn't catch that, yes, I am skilled enough that I fell off the back of the couch in 30. So all was fine and dandy until my shoulder started killing me. The great spine master (yes another code name) is now fixing me which is supposed to take like 3-4 weeks to be fixed. So, ya funny story in 30 haha.
Monday, September 26, 2011
I was looking through pictures and feeling very nostalgic. I miss Apartment 30! I think we should all live in a cul-de-sac of sorts where we share a common living area but all have a separate home part for our families when we get older/right now.
I miss the quote boards, quote ceiling, getting ready for dances, making fun food, photo shoots, road detours, pinatas, and all the other crazy things we would do.
It is fun looking at these pictures because there is so much more going on in them than just the basic shot. ie: any picture that includes the kitchen sink would also include "Drink" and "Drunk". Reading the quotes on the board. Seeing certain objects on the tables or hanging from different areas or whatever.
Great memories were made and I am so glad I have pictures to help me remember.
Thank you! I meiss you all.
-Lunch Pale
I miss the quote boards, quote ceiling, getting ready for dances, making fun food, photo shoots, road detours, pinatas, and all the other crazy things we would do.
ba ha ha ha ha |
![]() |
Frozen Olives: Another good idea gone terribly wrong because Twoderful and I got distracted (not difficult to make happen). |
Day Trip to Ogden |
Lasers? Yes, Please. Don't worry that this set of lasers catapulted the concept of lasering Twoderful's Mom's living room. Epic. |
Karaoke. Institute Dances. Enough Said. |
Quote Board. Pete. Couches (remember how we had a broken one. . .). Easter Egg Hunt. |
Dish Towel dropped a cone inside the car. This was the backup cone which then was held/eaten outside the car on the ride home from Jason's Deli. |
Great memories were made and I am so glad I have pictures to help me remember.
Thank you! I meiss you all.
-Lunch Pale
dish towl,
lunch pale,
Egger is Pregger No More
So, a while ago I mentioned my egger is pregger. Or, I showed a pic of the test.
Fun thing about that: pregger eggers end up in awesomes or mikes! And my Mike came. :D He is the most handsome Mike (he looks just like Mike in my opinion).
Fun thing about that: pregger eggers end up in awesomes or mikes! And my Mike came. :D He is the most handsome Mike (he looks just like Mike in my opinion).
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Hello guys!!!!
Ok. I love you all!!! Thought I would update you. Um... Things that have been happening in life.
1. I have a new job!!!
1. I have a new job!!!
I work for a photography studio!
I absolutely love it!!!! It is fantastic! The studio I work for takes school pictures, school dance pictures, little league photos and the like! It is awesome!!!
2. um. I don't really have any more.
3. I love you all!!!!!
4. The end.
5. Twoderful.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Rant for a Minute
Okay, I find it totally lame when a family member asks you last minute to watch their kids, which is not that bad, but then they say they will be back at a certain time. Fantastic. Then, they show up an HOUR AND A HALF LATE! Really? You don't even text me to say you'll be late? You just assume I have nothing else to do with my life because I was free for a few hours to do a service and watch your children so now you are going to take advantage of me??? Then, when you finally do pick up your children at 11 pm, you don't apologize for being so late.
What is it that makes parents think that it is ok to take advantage of their family members and not find it bothersome?
If it had been just the first time this has happened, fine. But, it has happened every single time they have asked.
Okay, I am done with my rant.
-Lunch Pale
What is it that makes parents think that it is ok to take advantage of their family members and not find it bothersome?
If it had been just the first time this has happened, fine. But, it has happened every single time they have asked.
Okay, I am done with my rant.
-Lunch Pale
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A post from Dish Towel
Well...ok, so I don't really have a reason for posting. I just figured I should post something because I haven't posted in FOREVER! I think I will ramble about what is new in my life.
1. I am taking summer classes. Family Finance and Statistics. The best news of all is....I have an A in both of those classes. If you know my relationship with Math you can understand how cool this is. It helps a ton that I have a wonderful Mike to help me out when the going gets tough.
2. My summer has been filled with all sorts of cool: Boating, Camping, 4th of July, Family get togethers, etc. I'm not even sure how I've been able to manage fitting in all those things to my busy schedule, but it's been happening.
3. My neighbor had a baby girl on Sunday. We went to the hospital and I got to hold a baby girl that was about 8 hours old at the time. Precious? Yes.
4. Popsicles are delicious. And I happen to be the owner of a few varieties of Popsicles. They reside in my fridge, but not for long!
5. I just received a musical Oreo the other day. FOR FREE!!! (if you're not sure what this code is...ummm...welll...figure it out. Oreos are black and white, right? And
6. I ate a yummy sandwich for lunch today. It had ham and cheese and lettuce and BACON!
That's all. The end.
Love, Dishtowel :)
Friday, July 1, 2011
Quater Deed 5th-teen and Awkward pants. And 100th post.
Yep, that's right! After a long absence a quarter deed has been deeded!! So I was with Mike and we were at an amazing train eating stop! We ate our food and I played with my toy I got from my kids meal... an inflatable football!!!! (Yes, I love to get kids meals!!!) Before we left Mike told me I needed to see a Harry Potter train set up!! It was so cool!! You got to see Diagon Ally, the Muggle World outside of Diagon Ally, the train path to Hogwarts and Hogwarts itself!! It was so neato! I wanted to see the Train take Harry to school but it costed .... ONE QUATER!!! Mike gallantly checked his pockets and found... ONE QUATER!!!! The train rode back and forth several times! It was glory!! Also, another awesome thing the train restaurant had has drink machines from the future!!! They have touch screens!!!
Later... On a completely different day I went with Mike to an "Activity." It was so epic!! We got some snackage and climbed into his tree house. (No, that is not metaphorical.) It was a smaller version of the Swiss Family Robinson's home!! It was soo cool! It had two trap doors, a fire pole and a bridge!! It was so neato!!! He also had a tramp! We had a lot of bouncy fun and then Mike2 and Awesome1 showed up. We all climbed into the tree house, gorged ourselves on snacks and played games. One of the games was tossing jelly beans up and catching them. Awesome1 threw a jelly bean up into the air and I barely missed it. I tried finding it on the floor but it disappeared. But... later I found it... on my butt!!!! I sat down on it and smooshed it on the chair and my pants. It stuck to my pants and I tried cleaning it off the chair so that no one would notice what I was doing!! And the real doomer part about sitting on the jelly bean was that it was red! So the back of my pants looked all sorts of awkward. I tried pulling my shirt to cover it but I am not too sure if it worked or not. Also I was super thirsty and kept drinking water. Mike was being awesome and kept pouring me some. One time as he was pouring I accidently jerked my hand and made water go all over his pants. It looked like he had an accident. I felt so bad! Mike was super about it and just laughed! Thanks Mike for the tour of the tree house!! Double Smurff Yeah!!!
Later... On a completely different day I went with Mike to an "Activity." It was so epic!! We got some snackage and climbed into his tree house. (No, that is not metaphorical.) It was a smaller version of the Swiss Family Robinson's home!! It was soo cool! It had two trap doors, a fire pole and a bridge!! It was so neato!!! He also had a tramp! We had a lot of bouncy fun and then Mike2 and Awesome1 showed up. We all climbed into the tree house, gorged ourselves on snacks and played games. One of the games was tossing jelly beans up and catching them. Awesome1 threw a jelly bean up into the air and I barely missed it. I tried finding it on the floor but it disappeared. But... later I found it... on my butt!!!! I sat down on it and smooshed it on the chair and my pants. It stuck to my pants and I tried cleaning it off the chair so that no one would notice what I was doing!! And the real doomer part about sitting on the jelly bean was that it was red! So the back of my pants looked all sorts of awkward. I tried pulling my shirt to cover it but I am not too sure if it worked or not. Also I was super thirsty and kept drinking water. Mike was being awesome and kept pouring me some. One time as he was pouring I accidently jerked my hand and made water go all over his pants. It looked like he had an accident. I felt so bad! Mike was super about it and just laughed! Thanks Mike for the tour of the tree house!! Double Smurff Yeah!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Where are we?
Zombie has an amazing husband. Zombie and her husband LOVE to travel . They spend a lot of their free time roaming the area searching for brains. This is especially EPIC for Zombie as she has never roamed these parts before and never partaken of such brains. However, not ever being in these here parts before is also a problem!! .. WHY? you may ask! Well Zombies husband for the most part has epic navigational skills. He knows the area well, he knows where all the good brains are located. But sometimes, and for the life of zombie she can not figure out why, he thinks its necessary to take the "back roads" !
"Honey, I'm going to take a "short-cut". " Says Husband Zombie "It will be SO MUCH faster I am sure."
Sometimes this is true, but for the most part the "short-cut" turns a 40 minute adventure into a 2 Hour and 47 Minute Adventure. Sometimes this is awesome as we get to EXPLORE and ROAM and find NEW BRAINS.............. other times not so much ...
Like when we miss a dinner reservation.
Exploring the area against her will,
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
June 6, 2011
Don’t let the thorns hurt you as you pick up the rose
The smell will intoxicate you as it reaches your nose
Once the beauty of a flower bloomed in your eyes
Now they are darkened by weeds and the wilting of lies
The hopeful song sang beautifully in just the right key
The notes use to ring melodically in perfect harmony
Don’t let the thorns hurt you as you pick up the rose
The smell will intoxicate you as it reaches your nose
A battered torn thing that you thought was renewed
Sits there furtively not showing you the real truth
Sits there furtively not showing you the real truth
Phrases like “Once upon a time” never hurt so much
Than it does right now just remembering his touch
Don’t let the thorns hurt you as you pick up the rose
The smell will intoxicate you as it reaches your nose
Monday, May 16, 2011
Dear Friends
Okie dokie. So, I posted a while ago that I am preggers.
I was having a girl until I wasn't anymore.
The little nudger inside already knows how to play peek-a-boo and well, she is a he.
There is going to be a baby party (it would be called a shower, but boys & girls alike are invited and my dad won't come if we call it a baby shower for some reason--something about how "guys don't go to those things") at the end of July. Mike and I want all to come.
I need addresses.
And, well, life is good.
For the most part. There are a few things I have to be patient about, but once those pass I am sure all will be better than the best.
Love ya!
-Lunch Pale
I was having a girl until I wasn't anymore.
The little nudger inside already knows how to play peek-a-boo and well, she is a he.
There is going to be a baby party (it would be called a shower, but boys & girls alike are invited and my dad won't come if we call it a baby shower for some reason--something about how "guys don't go to those things") at the end of July. Mike and I want all to come.
I need addresses.
And, well, life is good.
For the most part. There are a few things I have to be patient about, but once those pass I am sure all will be better than the best.
Love ya!
-Lunch Pale
Another Note about the Recipes
Okay, so (cheese), you may wonder how to access/add to the recipe blog, yes?
Just click on the Orange/White Blogger Symbol in the top left corner of the page. That brings you to the blogging home page.
Once there, you can add a new post to one of our two blogs--this one, or the recipe blog. :D Way easy, yes?
Take care all!
Just click on the Orange/White Blogger Symbol in the top left corner of the page. That brings you to the blogging home page.
Once there, you can add a new post to one of our two blogs--this one, or the recipe blog. :D Way easy, yes?
Take care all!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Don't freak out. We are still doing this blog. But we are adding an additional blog thanks to the creative genius of Lunch Pale. It is for recipes and food. So... if you like food... check it out! I am hoping that is all of you.
peace and love.
peace and love.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Spring! ...I mean...winter???
Last week I was laying on the grass, doing my homework, and enjoying the sun. (Yeah. Fabulous!)
It looked just like this:

Welll...minus the flowers. I just thought they looked pretty welcoming in the picture :)
Not even a week later, we have snow. This isn't just a little bit of "spring" snow...we have, mmmmm, probably a foot of snow, and SLUSH! This all came in about the past 24 hours. CRAZY!
Cool thing is: The trees look fantastic and it's fun to jump in puddles of slush. (I just feel so powerful when I step in a pile of slush and it splashes to a different spot on the I have way super cool magical powers or something.)

Not cool thing is: It's not warm annnnnnd when I spend long enough (like 2 minutes) walking in slush, my pants look like this:

I think I would like April to look like warm April instead of cold April, but I guess that's what I get for living in a place where weather like this is expected.
I'll just have to enjoy jumping in slush puddles while I can :)
-Enjoy any warm weather that you may have, sincerely, Dish Towel
It looked just like this:

Welll...minus the flowers. I just thought they looked pretty welcoming in the picture :)
Not even a week later, we have snow. This isn't just a little bit of "spring" snow...we have, mmmmm, probably a foot of snow, and SLUSH! This all came in about the past 24 hours. CRAZY!
Cool thing is: The trees look fantastic and it's fun to jump in puddles of slush. (I just feel so powerful when I step in a pile of slush and it splashes to a different spot on the I have way super cool magical powers or something.)

Not cool thing is: It's not warm annnnnnd when I spend long enough (like 2 minutes) walking in slush, my pants look like this:

I think I would like April to look like warm April instead of cold April, but I guess that's what I get for living in a place where weather like this is expected.
I'll just have to enjoy jumping in slush puddles while I can :)
-Enjoy any warm weather that you may have, sincerely, Dish Towel
Monday, March 21, 2011
Excited excited!!!

Ok! I am so phsyked!!!
Gory Story Details: Last night as I was about ready to crawl into bed I scratched my calf cause it itched. So naturally, I scratched. As I scratched my leg free off itches I noticed something. What did I notice you ask?...... MUSCLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!! My Triathlon Training is working!!!!!!!! I was so excited!!!! Not because I have muscles but because I have something to show for the sweat and pain!!!!!! It makes me soo sooo happy!!! Yeah my calfs!!! Woot woot!!!
(*Confession* okay okay. So the legs above are not mine. And probably never will be. Actually. I can safely say they never will be. Cause I am not planning on leg swapping any time soon. But my legs may one day look like that. A smaller version. But still.)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
We are all very aware (especially after watching this video) that there are many ways of saying the word "milk"
...and the list goes on...
Well. I have one more form of saying this confusing word ("milk")...and I have a story to go with it. So, hold on tight, put your seat belts on, and get ready for a great story.
One day a beautiful princess ninja (that's me) was at work. (I decided it would be best to not mention who I am...cuz I feel this story will very easily give my "secret identity" away...resulting in it NOT being secret anymore. So...for the sake of this story, I am now "beautiful princess ninja")
This beautiful princess ninja was at work (at a daycare).
It was time for lunch and the beautiful princess ninja and all of her wonderful children were sitting down to eat.
Everyone ate.
and..everyone drank their milk.
THEN (this is the most exciting part),
One little girl asked a simple question, "Can I have some more milk please?"
She did not say "milk" pronounced "milk"
She said "mirk" prouounced "mer (like mermaid) k (like....well, like "k"))
So...this is what I heard:
"Can I have some more merk please?"
Y0u may ask what is the moral of this story. What is the point of me telling you this?
Well, the moral of this story is simple: there are many ways to pronounce words (including milk) and we should not become violent over the fact that some people....just sound weird when they speak.
The End.
p.s. (Twoderful...and anyone else who will understand this): WE ARE...VI-LENT! ("O" taken out for emphasis)
The End (again).
Monday, March 7, 2011
The Many Adventures of Mini
Mini Recently took a road trip! She went to Las Vegas, Baby!
The trip was nice. She went with Mike & Lunch Pale for Mike's cousin's wedding in the Las Vegas temple.
Mini in front of the temple.
Mini sure loved it.
-Lunch Pale
Sunday, February 27, 2011
TRI...... there is no TRI only do.

I have decided that I am going to compete in a Triathlon on May 21st. I am super excited!! And nervous. Cause I am not much of a swimmer. And running and I have not been the best of friends. Biking is what I love. But all of them together should be epic! Excited am I!!! This is so going to be moderately cold!!! Oh... and um. If you wanna cheer me on...I will not deny you the privilege.
I am also doing a Triathlon Relay, the biking portion. It is also gonna be epic. It is on the 11th of June. Just so you know. Cause I am so stoked. !!! .
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wallpaper? Smoke? A toilet!!

Zombie and her husband got a new house...
It is a glorious old wretch of a house...
It has 70's wallpaper that has taken ages and ages to take down off the walls...
It also reeks heavily of smoke because N. Carolina is the tobacco growing capital so smoking is actually still encouraged here...
There next door neighbors have a toilet in their front yard...
Zombie wonders if Pajama Llama Day is a National holiday ...
... She also feels that this neighbor might just be an epic friend.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Okay, don't judge. This is still a rough draft. However, it holds everything I've been feeling as of late. Good luck with the symbolism and the metaphors. (Sorry... I'm an English Major...When do we ever directly say what we mean???) :)
I hear a consistent ticking noise coming from somewhere nearby
I ignore the sound and keep typing, until it starts pounding
Louder and louder the ticking seems to get. I turn away and sigh
I go on with my business until the noise has me drowning
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock; will it ever stop?
I frantically search the room looking for the source
Rummaging through this, throwing that, then plop
A watch falls out of the mess in my hands; of course!
I pick up the annoyance and stare blankly at it
How can something so small annoy me as much as this!
I see myself reflected back at me within the face of it
I pause a moment as my mind wanders to things I missed
The watch was laden with Gold
Each number perfectly designed
I touched it, the metal so cold
It mesmerized me into a bind
The perfect hands pointed to midnight
Did it really get that late?
Staring at it came a trick of the light
I noted the particular date
A man reflected behind me
Within the face of the watch
Though he really didn’t see me
His deep red eyes I caught
Shaking my head I moved across to my desk, putting the watch away
Brushing off the disturbance, I returned to my work at hand
Yet my mind flicked back to the drawer that held everything at bay
Ignoring, typing, thinking… Oh! Devil watch, how much more can I stand?
My mind rushes back to the image of the man reflected within that clock
I faintly hear the ticking, deafened by the dark black drawer behind me
I have so much work to do I don’t have time to stare at a stupid watch!
In my heart something impels me, the pulse of the ticking I can almost see
Once more I try to ignore the rudeness of such an irritating device
I persist in calculating numbers, planning lessons, and writing letters
Steadily I toil to the tick tock tick tock tick tock that puts me in a vice
Working to the sound of the watch, daydreaming, the image blurs
Throwing aside my work, I ran
To the drawer, and the ticking again
Once more I held the watch in my hand
I cannot win! I stood pouring over it again
I noticed the band that it was pure white
Yet spotted in parts with specks of black
The watch was ideal, an immaculate sight
Yet something about it set me back
A vague-looking heart in a crimson red
Tainted the inside of a beautiful band
My senses heightened, I sit on my bed
Studying it, I find the expensive brand
I look at my reflection again in its face
The man is no longer staring behind me
Yet something else has taken his place
Towering there an immense red building
A tear slow and gentle fell upon the jewelry in hand
Which rolled softly off its face, onto its lovely band
Clutching tightly to the watch I brought myself to stand
And threw it back onto the bed, where it would safely land
A fear came tumbling over me, crashing all my thoughts
Waves of emotion had empowered me, staring at that clock
The red bedspread had cradled me while I was deep in thought
I hadn’t noticed the watch stopped ticking at exactly one o’clock
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