We did exactly what he did in the last scene. We sold Hot Kool Aid. We went out in the front of our apartment complex with two card board boxes and set our pitchers on top. Dish-Towl was smart enough to know that we needed to bring cold kool aid as well as good measure. We ended up selling eight full quarts of Kool Aid. We sold it for ten cents a cup. None of us thought we would make anything but we made a good solid $15. It was fantastic!! Now we are gonna go to the NickleKade this weekend! It was great to sit there and socialize with everyone in our apartment complex and let them give us kool aid. We were only out for two hours but it was a blast hanging out with all of our friends. We had a good group of people just hanging out around us. It was a fantastic afternoon.
After we sold our hot Kool Aid we played human checkers with a large group of friends. We chalked out a playing board in the parking lot using... well chalk and a 2x4 (for straight lines). The two teams that were pitted against each other ended in a stale mate so it was called a tie. It was such a blast moving people around and metaphorically killing one another. If you ever get the chance to play human chess or checkers, do it. Take a page out of Harry Potters book. That is just what we did. Zombie is a huge fan of Harry Potter and had wanted to do this for a long time. It turned out to be a blast from the past of the Potter variety.
After having a party on the checkers board in the parking lot we were able to play real live Mario. Zombie and Dish-Towl played the part of Mario and Luigi and I was a transporting mushroom. Our mission: rescue the Yoshi egg. That is exactly what we did. We got that poor abandoned Yoshi egg and returned it to its rightful nest. At 9:03 our mission was complete. Game Finished. Oh and Zombie got attacked by vampires on our mission. On her leg.
Hold on. There is more. Yes we did more after rescuing the egg. We drew on peoples car windows with window chalk. Fantastic activity. Just saying.
Such an epic day for us. Partly because we spent it with friends. Partly because we had epic adventures. Mostly because we were having fun. There are lots of ordinary things around us we can have adventures with and make our seemingly boring lives exciting. What are more ways to do it?
-Me signing off. I still do not have an epic name.
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