So this is not exactly a quarter deed but I am counting it because I can, and because I want to. Also because it was incredible. My brother and I used 'Karma' to describe it but to us it was extremely hilarious.
Today was my amazing and wonderful mothers birthday! Yea for her! So I had to run to Wally-World to grab some stuff. It was hot and my car lacks that luxury named air conditioning. We were thirsty and wanted refreshment. However those gold digging, stingy, selfish machines of vending denied any pleasure that we were seeking. We tried and failed. One machine would take no money and one machine would take all money but give no goodness. We happened upon a third, which took money. (good sign) and My bro pushed a button. It vended that orange bubbly goodness and out popped a second.! We thought it hilarious. Oh and an extra quarter. yep.
We are feeling pretty victorious and pleased with ourselves. As we drive out my brother, the kind hearted stud that he is spotted a person with a sign saying they were homeless and begging for food and or money. My brother had opened his but said I could have his if we gave my unopened one to the 'beggar'. (Isn't he awesome!) So I give away my soda and let my bro keep his (I'm not that into soda any how.) And He says "It's all good. You just get more Karma."
So I know this is not exactly a quarter deed but this is how I think it works.
1) The machine gave me a quarter. Chalk points up for the machine.
2) The soda that was given away cost 75 cents. That's 3 quarters. So. That works out.
3) It was all done in the spirit of giving!
Therefore, it worketh in my book.
Happy day dear readers and remember, ...
dude I can't remember what I wanted to tell you to remember.
That's bogus.
Just saying.